Monday, November 2, 2009

No Love Lost

In response to a woman dealing with heartache and the recent breakup of a relationship, my words to her were:

No one "gets away from you." There is not something you did to make him go away. Every day we consciously choose to be a part of something, or not, to love, or not. One of you simply chose to stop connecting.

It doesn't mean something went wrong. Something simply changed. It doesn't mean the intensity or the energy of the past wasn't real. It simply transformed.

Energy does not die. It lives and surrounds you in an infinite number of possibilities. You are surrounded by love. You are love. You are worthy of a great, loving, honest relationship. It begins with the way you love yourself.

Take this time to love yourself. Treat yourself well. Give no thought to the action or inactions of others. The only thing that matters is what you do to and for yourself. Everything and everyone else are merely reflections.

Love yourself intensely, deeply, passionately, without conditions and reservations. Adore the beautiful, divine being that you are.

When you arise, feel the love that surrounds you, that exists within your cells.

There is no loss of love. There is only opportunity to love and love again.

Keep loving, just like you keep breathing.

Without thought.
With a knowing that there is always more.

Be the love you wish to have.

Live a Life You Love!
Natasha Munson
Author of Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!

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