Thursday, November 11, 2010

Don't Be Scared

When there is a bit of hesitation in your voice, a lump in your throat, a feeling of becoming irritated in your spirit, stop for a moment and look within. What are you afraid of? Are you scared to do or say something?

Something inside of you is having a reaction and you need to know why. So many times we are afraid of doing something different. Many of us do not really want someone to point out to us that we are doing something wrong and make suggestions of doing it another way. But, if your life is going to change in any way, you're going to have to step out of your comfort zone, speak up and do things differently.

May you have the courage to create the life of your dreams.

"Live a life you love!" - Natasha Munson

Friday, November 5, 2010

Another journey begins

I decided to convert my website to my blog. Hopefully this will help me write more often and allow readers to get to know me even better. I'm actually excited. I love the way the site feels and I love that I will be able to interact with everyone as they come to the site.

Looking forward to getting to know you even better.

Live a life you love!
Natasha Munson