Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wishing you love, laughter, good health, increasing wealth, amazing relationships and blessings this new year!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
If you are always seeking free services and discounts then you will also receive requests for those things. Let's be mindful that we are all in business to serve and make money.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Today I am grateful that I can take responsibility for my actions and allow others to have their own opinion, even if I disagree.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
My soul is singing: "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine." & "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me."
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
You deserve what you are willing to accept. Keyword=accept. You don't have to tolerate, settle or struggle. You can choose a new experience.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Want to Write Your Dream in 2010? Book coaching provided for unique stories and inspirational visions.
You cannot let go of anything if you cannot notice that you are holding it. - Neale Donald Walsch
Friday, December 11, 2009
Empower someone you love with a gfit from my collection - Life Lessons, Spiritual Lessons or Love Lessons for My Sisters! More than a great read, it's a life changing, mind shifting experience.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Who am I to deny my power and purpose? Why would I? Why would you deny the greatness that resides within? Claim it, love it, share it!
Miracles occur everyday. We overlook them because we take so much for granted. Shift to gratitude and you will see the miracles.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Today's Affirmation: I am an unlimited being accepting from an unlimited source in an unlimited way.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Why don't you give love on xmas day? This xmas, give Love Lessons for My Sisters: How To Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
God has got your back. When you know that, you never veer too far on the worrying road or down anxiety lane. You KNOW God has got you.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Listen to me on the morning inspiration call with Vikki Kennedy. Replay line is (269) 320-8299 code 718656#
Monday, November 23, 2009
Misery is a choice. Suffering is optional. Surviving is a state of mind. The gift & curse is knowing that your thoughts create every moment.
People should only ask for help when they're ready to accept it. The only person that wants to deal with your resistance to change is you.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
"Rich people are willing to promote themselves. Poor people think negatively about selling & promotion." - T. Harv Eker
Clear Wireless opportunity meeting - 7:00pm tonight - Holiday Inn Select, 4386 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd. Atlanta.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Handle Your Emotions
We can either become overwhelmed by our emotions and stay in a pattern of constantly reacting to and being affected by others. Or we can remember that emotions are something we can control and therefore we participate in life without becoming imbalanced or overextended.
--An excerpt from Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
--An excerpt from Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
"Everybody want it but it ain't that serious." - Kanye West. Focused intention & commitment = results.
Monday, November 16, 2009
All you have to do is talk to some people for a few moments & you're instantly reminded of why you don't talk to them more often.
Clear is offering home & mobile internet service for $50/month - total. Know anyone that needs service or wants to get paid for a referral?
There can be no hesitancy in your commitment. Either you are in or you are out. Remove the words - can't and try.
Thinks sometimes people say things because it sounds good but do you really know what you are saying and do you truly know what you believe?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Stop asking why people do things to you and start looking at why you keep showing up to participate in it if it is hurtful.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
You can pretend to be clueless but God has given you the wisdom and has already provided an answer. You know what to do.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
You always know in your heart what to do because God speaks to you there through your intuition. The difficulty lies in having the courage to act on what you know.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Living from a sense of obligation rather than from a place of service brings misery.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Your attitude is not my problem. Your emotions are not my burden. - Life Lesson, Natasha Munson
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
At all moments you are either being an inspiration or a warning to others. So are you showing them what to do or what not to do today?
Monday, November 2, 2009
If people acknowledge their "haters" doesn't that just bring them more people in their lives that are envious of their success? Perhaps the focus should remain upon you and what you're doing rather than what others are doing around you or saying about you.
No Love Lost
In response to a woman dealing with heartache and the recent breakup of a relationship, my words to her were:
No one "gets away from you." There is not something you did to make him go away. Every day we consciously choose to be a part of something, or not, to love, or not. One of you simply chose to stop connecting.
It doesn't mean something went wrong. Something simply changed. It doesn't mean the intensity or the energy of the past wasn't real. It simply transformed.
Energy does not die. It lives and surrounds you in an infinite number of possibilities. You are surrounded by love. You are love. You are worthy of a great, loving, honest relationship. It begins with the way you love yourself.
Take this time to love yourself. Treat yourself well. Give no thought to the action or inactions of others. The only thing that matters is what you do to and for yourself. Everything and everyone else are merely reflections.
Love yourself intensely, deeply, passionately, without conditions and reservations. Adore the beautiful, divine being that you are.
When you arise, feel the love that surrounds you, that exists within your cells.
There is no loss of love. There is only opportunity to love and love again.
Keep loving, just like you keep breathing.
Without thought.
With a knowing that there is always more.
Be the love you wish to have.
Live a Life You Love!
Natasha Munson
Author of Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
No one "gets away from you." There is not something you did to make him go away. Every day we consciously choose to be a part of something, or not, to love, or not. One of you simply chose to stop connecting.
It doesn't mean something went wrong. Something simply changed. It doesn't mean the intensity or the energy of the past wasn't real. It simply transformed.
Energy does not die. It lives and surrounds you in an infinite number of possibilities. You are surrounded by love. You are love. You are worthy of a great, loving, honest relationship. It begins with the way you love yourself.
Take this time to love yourself. Treat yourself well. Give no thought to the action or inactions of others. The only thing that matters is what you do to and for yourself. Everything and everyone else are merely reflections.
Love yourself intensely, deeply, passionately, without conditions and reservations. Adore the beautiful, divine being that you are.
When you arise, feel the love that surrounds you, that exists within your cells.
There is no loss of love. There is only opportunity to love and love again.
Keep loving, just like you keep breathing.
Without thought.
With a knowing that there is always more.
Be the love you wish to have.
Live a Life You Love!
Natasha Munson
Author of Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Easier said than done.
When you say something is "easier said than done," you either don't want to do it, don't think or believe you can, or don't have the courage to do it. Because if someone else somewhere once did that very thing then you can do it too!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Powerful books to read - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (T. Harv Eker), The Secret Code of Success (Noah St. John) and Spiritual Lessons for My Sisters: How to Get Over The Drama and Live Your Best Life (Natasha Munson)
learned the powerful difference between an affirmation - making a statement to the brain and an afformation - asking the mind a question. The mind will seek the answer but the brain will not accept the statement if you don't believe it's true. Want to change your world? Ask yourself positive questions.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
We all deserve to be loved, adored and appreciated. If you do not feel these things for your partner than you should let them go so that you both can attract someone that can authentically reciprocate feelings of love, adoration and appreciation. -- Love Lessons for My Sisters excerpt
Monday, October 26, 2009
“If one asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he has prepared for.” -- Florence Scovel Shinn
Friday, October 23, 2009
It is not about pushing something into existence. It's about imagining, believing, and seeing. A simple thought mentioned to the subconscious manifests as reality the moment you are ready to allow it to appear.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
"The basic thing is that everyone wants happiness, no one wants suffering. And happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from external factors. If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy." - The Dalai Lama
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
People show you who they are. It is your choice to accept or reject their behavior in your life.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
not going to settle, compromise, hope or wish. I am going to create what I want.
Friday, October 16, 2009
You will only keep attracting what you are and what you believe until you change your belief system. If your consciousness wants to struggle you will have experiences to "survive." If it wants drama, you will bring the people that will play that role in your life. You are creating it all. Now, what do you want to experience next?
"Burnout" is not a result of being too busy. It is an indication of a lost sense of purpose & a lack of fulfillment. When both purpose & fulfillment are present, you are in a state of wholeness, and burnout cannot exist. - Brian Koslow
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The best thing you can do for another being is stop projecting your beliefs onto them. Each soul is here for their own divine purpose and their own path to learning. We all seek and attract the experiences we need for our personal growth.
YOU are the love of your life. You can only receive the love you have for yourself. If you want amazing, transforming, powerful love you must begin within.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The fact that I experienced a house fire, was "homeless", hospitalized for a week & diagnosed with Lupus in September hit me as I was driving & I burst into tears of intense gratitude. I thanked God for the wake up call. I thanked God for the amazing love. I appreciate the opportunity to see love expressed by the people in my life. What a gift! We'll make the next lesson a little less dramatic though :-).
Monday, October 12, 2009
It is not about pushing something into existence. It's about imagining, believing, and seeing. A simple thought mentioned to the subconscious manifests as reality the moment you are ready to allow it to appear.
Monday, August 31, 2009
I am being reminded that the power of focus truly creates our reality. Our thoughts literally shape our lives and affect our health.
Friday, August 14, 2009
"Don't you dare give up on Tomorrow because of the way things look Today." - Neale Donald Walsh
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Do you know if you’re infected?
Do you know if you’re infected?
Are you aware of the beliefs that are really fueling your life? Are you conscious of the fact that every conversation, every show you watch, every thing you read is getting into your mind and infecting you? Affecting the way you live your life and make your decisions?
Every day we are choosing to have our beliefs shaped by forces outside of us. We are giving “others” the liberty to control our income and our expectations. We tap into the news and hear the horror stories or the sad stories and we think that the world is in a bad place. We accept that the world is in a recession, that millions are losing their jobs and we are just one paycheck or one decision away from that disaster ourselves.
However, science has proven that the observer and the observed are one and the same. Meaning, what you believe and what you put your focus on will occur. Our beliefs shape our reality.
As an entrepreneur, I had to realize that my own conversations had shifted. Although I do not typically watch the news, I had engaged in conversations about how bad things were. I read economic forecasts that said the economy wouldn’t improve until next year. Then sadly, and without conscious thought, I accepted that. I accepted that things were bad and everyone’s finances were affected right now. I told myself that organizations simply didn’t have the money to pay for my type of services right now and I had to ride it out. I had become infected by all the doom and gloom.
As we know, opposites exist in the world. Where there is poverty there is also wealth; where there is anger there is also forgiveness; where there is fear there is also acceptance; where there is hate there is also love. There is balance in our world. Since you too have probably allowed your mind to be infected, make a decision to change your mind and tune out. Tune out the negativity, horror stories, and sad situations. Stop making them the dominant reality in your life. Your beliefs will align with them if you don’t stop and literally say, “That is not my reality.” You create your world each and every day in the ways you spend your time, who you share your life with, what you read and what you watch.
Choose to experience the opposite in life. Choose to see the balance. If you are going to allow your mind to become infected and affected then at least choose the great things you want. No more doom and gloom, “woe is us” moments. Many of us are in someway expecting things to get “worse before they get better.” And so, that’s exactly what happens. Instead, say “me too” to the great things. Someone won the lottery – “me too.” Someone started a successful business – “me too.” Be more open to the good things than you are to the bad.
Take control of your mind, shape your beliefs and you will be in a position to create a life you want.
Live a Life You Love!
Natasha Munson
Author of Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
Are you aware of the beliefs that are really fueling your life? Are you conscious of the fact that every conversation, every show you watch, every thing you read is getting into your mind and infecting you? Affecting the way you live your life and make your decisions?
Every day we are choosing to have our beliefs shaped by forces outside of us. We are giving “others” the liberty to control our income and our expectations. We tap into the news and hear the horror stories or the sad stories and we think that the world is in a bad place. We accept that the world is in a recession, that millions are losing their jobs and we are just one paycheck or one decision away from that disaster ourselves.
However, science has proven that the observer and the observed are one and the same. Meaning, what you believe and what you put your focus on will occur. Our beliefs shape our reality.
As an entrepreneur, I had to realize that my own conversations had shifted. Although I do not typically watch the news, I had engaged in conversations about how bad things were. I read economic forecasts that said the economy wouldn’t improve until next year. Then sadly, and without conscious thought, I accepted that. I accepted that things were bad and everyone’s finances were affected right now. I told myself that organizations simply didn’t have the money to pay for my type of services right now and I had to ride it out. I had become infected by all the doom and gloom.
As we know, opposites exist in the world. Where there is poverty there is also wealth; where there is anger there is also forgiveness; where there is fear there is also acceptance; where there is hate there is also love. There is balance in our world. Since you too have probably allowed your mind to be infected, make a decision to change your mind and tune out. Tune out the negativity, horror stories, and sad situations. Stop making them the dominant reality in your life. Your beliefs will align with them if you don’t stop and literally say, “That is not my reality.” You create your world each and every day in the ways you spend your time, who you share your life with, what you read and what you watch.
Choose to experience the opposite in life. Choose to see the balance. If you are going to allow your mind to become infected and affected then at least choose the great things you want. No more doom and gloom, “woe is us” moments. Many of us are in someway expecting things to get “worse before they get better.” And so, that’s exactly what happens. Instead, say “me too” to the great things. Someone won the lottery – “me too.” Someone started a successful business – “me too.” Be more open to the good things than you are to the bad.
Take control of your mind, shape your beliefs and you will be in a position to create a life you want.
Live a Life You Love!
Natasha Munson
Author of Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
You Are a Creator
The simple truth is: You are who you are. You are where you are. You have what you have. If you wish to be, have and do something else you must first release your attachment to the identity you created and then allow yourself to be redefined and recreated. You are, after all, a creator of life. Who do you want to be now? What do you want to have? Where do you want to be? Focus on that.
Live a Life You Love!
Natasha Munson
Author of Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
Live a Life You Love!
Natasha Munson
Author of Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Every...Tuesday...we're Hustling

This past Tuesday I began a new co-hosting gig of an Atlanta-based internet tv show. There are four of us and each Tuesday at 8pm EST we chat about any and everything. This week's topic focused on business. We never know what we'll be talking about the next week as we literally receive the show questions live on the show and we answer them right then and there.
Check out last week's show and tune in to "Hustlers" next Tuesday!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Walk Into Your Dream!
What a fabulous time to embark on a dream. In this economy? Yes, absolutely. In this economy; in this time; in this place! It is time for the faithful to believe so that they can see their dreams become a reality.
Did you catch that? You must believe. Then you will see your dream. Believing is seeing in 2009.As the inauguration of the man of hope begins, you must also see it as your new beginning. Yes, you can change your life in this very moment.
Starting today, write down what your ideal life looks like. Describe your ideal relationship, your ideal financial situation, and your ideal career. If you are unsure, then look at what you do not want in those situations. Look at your list of "don't wants" and write the complete opposite next to it. Now you know what you do want. Then everday read your ideal life and feel what it's like to wake up everyday with that as your reality.
Two years ago we never thought an African-American would become president in our lifetime. A new day, a new way of thinking is upon you. Embrace it. A whole new reality is beginning for you.
Walk into your dream!
Did you catch that? You must believe. Then you will see your dream. Believing is seeing in 2009.As the inauguration of the man of hope begins, you must also see it as your new beginning. Yes, you can change your life in this very moment.
Starting today, write down what your ideal life looks like. Describe your ideal relationship, your ideal financial situation, and your ideal career. If you are unsure, then look at what you do not want in those situations. Look at your list of "don't wants" and write the complete opposite next to it. Now you know what you do want. Then everday read your ideal life and feel what it's like to wake up everyday with that as your reality.
Two years ago we never thought an African-American would become president in our lifetime. A new day, a new way of thinking is upon you. Embrace it. A whole new reality is beginning for you.
Walk into your dream!
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