Friday, December 12, 2008
Jump To Your Success
She would keep jumping for as long as she could and the numbers would go higher and higher, the voices filled with excitement around her. The thrill was in the anticipating of jumping and in actually being in the ropes.
Your success is the same way. The preparation should fill you with as much joy as the moment of actually being in your element. The process itself can be thrilling. The way to enjoy your dream and truly live a successful life is to appreciate it from all sides. Just like Double-Dutch, although it may appear that you have gotten "out" and lost your turn, there is always another game waiting to get started. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, but it will be your turn again and all you have to do is remember when to move your body, get in motion, and hear that "10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 110, 2...."
Enjoy every moment of your success.
Live a Life You Love!
Natasha Munson
Author of Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Name That Negative
Regardless of the accomplishments I have made in my life there is always a voice that tells me it isn't enough. That little voice does the best it can to put me down and give its negative view of things. It tells me I'm not worthy of my success, not special enough to achieve anything great. It tries to lull me into a depressed state of being.
I came to a point though when I really wanted that voice to stop. Eventually I responded with a few choice words of my own.
"Thank you, Leroy," I said. "Thank you for your opinion. I don't believe that." Right then and there I named that negative and neutralized it.
It doesn't mean the voice magically stopped. It is still very present but not as strong. I've learned to tell "Leroy", my negative, to shush and keep it moving. I have a message to share and I do not have to be perfect in order to share it. There is no perfect person. What I must be, and what I am, is honest and sincere about my mission. I understand that voice only has as much power as I give it.
I believe that so many of us are held back from greatness, from loving ourselves, and from living fulfilling lives because there is a little voice chipping away at our soul. We give it the strength to break us down and nearly tear us apart. We allow it to stop us from dreaming big and living large. When that voice arises simply: acknowledge it, name it, thank it and release it. Exhale and keep pursuing your dream. You deserve what you want. You are worthy of living a fabulous life. You were not put here to struggle and survive. Focus on thriving. Focus on loving your life.
Live a Life You Love!
Natasha Munson
Author of Love Lessons for My Sisters: How to Find and Keep All The Love You Deserve!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What I would tell every author
When I began my writing career as a self-published author I was blessed to receive wonderful reviews of my first book, Life Lessons for My Sisters. Two prominent publications compared me to and gave me praise for being “the next Iyanla Vanzant.” I remember reading those words and being very happy and slightly afraid.
How do you live up to that? I remember thinking, what if they find out that my life is not perfect and I am not living the life of my dreams? I nearly became paralyzed at the fear of the success. Could it be possible to reach such a high in your life only to have the curtain pulled back like the Wizard of Oz as you crumble to the ground with shame when people discover that you are not this great being living a magical life?
Gratefully I had told the truth about my life. From the very first page I shared the details of a difficult relationship and how it had affected my spirit and heart. I poured from the soul my reasons for writing Life Lessons and my hope that it would serve as a guide to other young women, a handbook to help them make the best choices for their life.
Thank God for telling the truth. The lesson I learned in that moment of comparison to Iyanla Vanzant is that it is not possible to be the next whomever. You must be the best you.
So many authors would save themselves from disappoint if they removed their eyes from the best-selling author with hopes of becoming them and obtaining their success. What is for you is for you. If you feel so inspired to share your story, and give your testimony of life, then tell it because something in your soul is compelling you to share, not because you want to be the next so-and-so or to be as successful as someone else.
It is one thing to be inspired by someone else and quite another when your whole purpose for writing is because you want to be well-known, famous, and regarded as “the next.” Unfortunately, I meet a lot of upcoming authors who are writing for those reasons. If there is something I can share with aspiring authors, and anyone pursuing a dream, it is simply this: The true glory comes from knowing that your life, your authentic story, those lessons you have learned, helped another person. That’s what makes you a success. When you focus on that, the journey along the way will be much more rewarding than being called “the next”.
Do you!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
"Clerical Errors" at the Polls
A friend and I went to vote today in Fulton County. We both voted in our county in the last primary and she voted just a few months ago for the senate race. Well, when she got 40 minutes through the line they told her she was not registered in Fulton county and was registered in another county. They gave her the voter's registration number for that county and everything. She explained that she had just voted in Fulton county in August and she voted during the last presidential race in Fulton county. She has lived in Fulton County for the past five years. She had to go out to the car and get her voter's registration card to prove that she was registered in Fulton County.
If she did not have that card she would have been screwed. Now, if it was election day, could you imagine standing in line for an hour or two, only to have someone tell you that you're not registered in that county and you need to get in traffic and stand in line again in another county? They tried to dismiss it as a clerical error (that somehow occurred between August 2008 and today- ???), but with everything riding on this election, make sure you bring your voter registration card with you to the polls! If you can't find your card, call your local voter registration office and confirm that you are registered in the correct county. We don't want any "clerical errors" causing people to be unable to vote on election day.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Ten Tips for Publishing Success
The first things to come to mind were:
1. Made a personal appeal to bookstore owners. I wrote a letter to independent bookstores telling them about my book and asking for their support.
2. Had a professional website created that positioned me as an author, allowed online ordering, contained a newsletter, FAQ and updated information about my book.
3. Spoke to women's groups and organizations to raise awareness of the book and create nontraditional sales.
4. Made myself available to local reporters for articles.
5. Created a marketing sheet for libraries and contacted my local libraries about acquisition of my book.
6. Contacted my high school and college alumni newsletter and provided an update listing my publication as a recent accomplishment.
7. Did book workshops and discussions with book clubs.
8. Went to Book Expo of America. I met Jack Canfield as he was walking to a workshop. I literally walked him to his event (after asking if that was ok) and asked him questions.
9. I had postcards made with my book cover on one side, ordering information and reviews on the other side. I left room so I could use it as a mailer. I gave cards to friends, family and coworkers so they could tell people they knew about "this new author" and hand them a card.
10. I didn't think of myself as a "self-published author". I promoted myself as an author with a great title.
It's been an amazing experience and I continue to enjoy the journey.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Dipsy Doodle and Death's Door
How many sane Americans shake their heads and wonder what on earth John McCain was thinking? I mean, I'm sure like George W. Bush, Sarah is great to invite to the family bbq, but to run the country? Come on now. Sarah gave answers like she had read the Cliff Notes of American and World History last week. I cannot imagine, if God forbid John McCain was elected and died, Sarah having the knowledge or sense to run America. Although McCain's mother is still alive that does not mean he'll live out his presidency. He is, like it or not, knock-knock-knocking on Death's Door and has selected Dipsy Doodle as a running mate. God help us all.
One thing that really irked me was Dipsy Doodle's use of the word "tolerate". Tolerate sounds like 'I'll deal with you because I have to not because I like you'. It sounds like 'I don't like you but you exist so I'll at least have to acknowledge that'. It sounded very off-putting and I wonder how the Americans she was referring to felt about that. Then, she sounded like the last thing she would do is sit down with her "enemies". Listen, if America is going to change at all - it's perception in other countries, particularly, then we're going to have to get away from this arrogant, condescending, and clueless leadership.
I have no idea what McCain was thinking or thinks. They both seem like they're trying to win a popularity contest not improve America.
The best bet we have is Biden connected with Obama. You can absolutely feel their sincerity and connection to others. You can feel that they will tell you like it is and not how you want it to be. And, if you need help, they'll roll up their sleeves and help you. Palin seems like she'd be on the sidelines saying, "Well, how'd you do that?" and McCain would be standing around looking awkward and asking, "Is there a problem?" as he shook his head no.
Wow, what a country. The one thing I knew before I turned off that debate was that the passports better be ready and we should start selecting another country to live in if Dipsy Doodle and Death's Door win. Doesn't the thought give you shivers?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Dust Yourself Off and Try Again
This is week one of the Love Lessons campaign and I have just begun to send out information about it. Great progress has been made already. I'm so excited. You would think it was my first book. But I've learned every book, like every child, has its own energy and you fall in love with it just cause it's yours.
The blessings began with a reporter from Heart & Soul Magazine calling me for an upcoming story called "Single
and Stressed". I'm not sure when it will run just yet but I'll let you know when I do.
Then the fabulous Amy Barnett called me about a story for Essence Magazine. It was a great interview and that one should run in the January '09 issue. I was so happy to hear Essence on the voice mail you would've thought Oprah was calling. I just love that Essence is such a powerful force for black women that I'm proud to have even a small connection with it.
My last thing was a radio show with PR phenomenon Pam Perry. I was on The Chocolate Pages Show, which is a great show hosted by Pam. She has been so supportive of me and my career that I was just in a state of gratitude for being on the show. I'm on the last thirty minutes of the show and you can hear it by clicking here:
So that's my world for now. I'm going to relax for a second so that I'll be prepared for the sure to be fascinating debate (Yeah right) between Biden and Palin.
Live a Life You Love!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
How Inspirational is Barack Obama?

Now, honestly I've just begun to pay attention to this race to rule the world. Of course, I knew the significance of a black man and a woman running this year. But when I saw Barack speak and saw this photo, I felt so inspired and encouraged.
My dear friend and fellow writer, has created some powerful t-shirts to spread the message of Barack Power. Check this out:
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Abundant Mind
As the New Year begins the primary focus of most individuals is to make more money. Everyone asserts, ‘this is my year,’ ‘it’s my time,’ and all kinds of positive statements. There is however a great truth within David Kennedy’s quote. Abundance begins within. Prosperity begins with. Gratitude begins within. Your outer world can only mirror what exists within your inner world. If you are focused on prosperity but deep down believe that you are not worthy of abundance or that you are not financially capable of handling large sums of money, you will block yourself from receiving the abundance you seek.
You must ask yourself:
Do I choose wealth?
Do I feel worthy of wealth?
Can I handle being prosperous?
How do I view wealthy people?
Subconsciously you may think wealthy people are greedy and prevent yourself from becoming wealthy and living your life in a state of “greed.” If you truly want abundance in this New Year, make sure your consciousness is living in an accepted state of abundance – you want it, you know you deserve it, you believe it can come to you, and you’re willing to do the action steps to achieve it. As you believe, so it will be.
I wish you amazing prosperity this year. May you attract all the riches and opportunity you know you deserve!
Live a Life You Love!
Natasha Munson
Inspirational Speaker and Author of Life Lessons for My Sisters: How to Make Wise Choices and Live a Life You Love! and Spiritual Lessons for My Sisters: How to Get Over the Drama and Live Your Best Life!