As usual a celebrity breakup/battle is in the news and it sparked something within me. We have to take more accountability for our relationships. When you see that ex you should know that 1) you chose them 2) they were in your life for a reason and 3) if you end with bitterness and negativity you're going to bring those feelings into your next relationship unless you balance this all out now.
Sadly, when relationships end, many people come out swinging with negative comments and bad memories. Suddenly the former love of your life is no longer amazing and is now just annoying. But, before you proceed down this road of "I can't believe I did that" take a moment to pause, reflect and recognize.
Look at the relationship for what it brought to your life. What did you learn from the experience? What were the blessings? What powerful knowledge do you move forward with?
There are always two sides to everything. Two ways of seeing it all. So before you slander someone's name, someone you used to love and adore (or at least that's what you said) take some time to remember the good in them. Say a little prayer for their happiness and peace of mind. Wish them well. As you do this you bring peace to your life, balance in your heart, freedom to move on and the power to make a "better" choice next time.
See everyone with love and your world will always be filled with the love of your life.
"Live a life you love!" - Natasha Munson